New or ExisTing Document?

Many software programs have a “New” option: new document, new spreadsheet, new presentation, new artboard, new musical score, etc. A new file is full of exciting possibilities, but it can also be quite daunting. Rather than staring at a blank page of a new document, consider jump-starting a new project by recycling one of your existing documents.

The key is to copy (“duplicate,” “save as”) an existing file, save it with a new name, delete the content you don’t want, and keep that which is relevant to your new project. Voilà, it's not a blank page. 

  • Don’t recreate your letterhead. Save a copy of an existing letter, delete the recipient info and text, keep the signature, change the date, and start typing new content.

  • Duplicate an existing Powerpoint or Keynote presentation. Strip away the images from the last presentation, change the text (and maybe the theme), and place new pictures.

  • Keep valuable formatting in a spreadsheet. Save a copy, delete the data, modify column/row headers, and keep helpful formulas. Enter new information as necessary.

Click File > Open rather than File > New to turn your existing documents into already-started new projects. Big time saver!


faxing is old school